Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Ramesh Sannareddy - God Sent

Mr Ramesh Sannareddy sent us the first months contribution towards our Internet Bills. I called up to thank him . From the moment i started talking to him there was this chemistry that we have with a person who you know for a long time. When i told Ramesh that i would send him a copy of the Internet bill that he had paid for . He replied that it was not needed . He had full faith in us.

Ramesh then told me something which would change the way indianblooddonors.com worked. He told me that our database was being misutilised by network marketing companies, insurance companies for selling their products. He himself was contacted by an insurance agent to sell their products.

I told Ramesh that I was aware of such a problem and that i wished to revamp the site. But could not do so as my one and only volunteer (Gnani) was leaving the country and would not be able to give quality time. Ramesh told me that he could take care of the coding of the entire site. It is said that when God closes one door he opens up another one for you.