Wednesday, January 05, 2000 is born

We did not not know head nor tail about making a website . Or the work that goes into making one. I did a little bit of research by reading some magazines like Chip , Dataquest.
Then i contacted a friend of my brother . Mr Cyrus Major was working in an IT Company. I asked him if he would develop a website for me. I explained to him what i wanted. He said that as the site was for a good cause , he would make it for Rs 15,000 .
We had to now book a domain. I started searching for a name. We wanted a name which would identify with the people of India. We decided to name the site . I was told to book the domain on . The domain was available but to register it we were required to pay by Credit Card. I did not have one. I request my cousin sister in Canada Mrs Armaity Bhatena nee Bamji to book the Domain . Our Domain was registered on 27th October 1999.
We now needed a host where our website could be hosted. I was told to host the site at . They had only one plan which we could afford. 250 MB with SQL server for 3 month the charges were Rs 10,000 /- . We booked the hosting.
We now needed a computer at home from where we could monitor the site , reply to mails etc. We started searching for a second hand computer , searching for "SALE" ad in the news paper. We got a second hand computer a PII for Rs 12,500 /- .
In January 2000 our website was ready. We needed to develop a logo for our website. I requested another friend of mine Mr Sohrab Kanga who was in the Advertising Business to make our logo, develop a poster and make an Advertisement for the Launch. I had to shell out another Rs 10,000 /-.